Friday, December 6, 2013

The Desert, The Map, and The Binoculars

First written and posted to my Facebook profile page on September 7, 2013

Long ago, two men wandered into a vast arid desert, and, after some time, hap-hazardously lost their way. One of the two men used a map to plan a route out of the desert. The other looked through binoculars and pointed out all that he saw in the distance. Neither of them knew the way out of the desert, but each relied on their respective tool and on one another to guide forward.

Eventually, low on water and nearly starved, the one with binoculars shouted, "Water! I see trees and water."

The other one holding the map looked down at the lines and drawings on his sheet and said, "There are no trees or waterholes near here, brother. It is only a mirage."

"No!" said the man with the binoculars. "I see it! I know it is there! It has to be!" And he passionately started forward in a sprint, stopping every few paces to look out ahead with the binoculars before continuing with even greater haste. The one with the map struggled to keep up, stopping every few paces to look down at his map before starting forward again. Eventually, he fell far behind.

Desperately starved and fatigued, the two men found themselves now having grown further and further apart: one chasing the vision of what he believed was the source of substance and life, though only seen from afar; the other following a path, one depicted by others that travelled this same road before, but have since passed on.

Both were lost. And now, both had lost each other.

This is how I see the poor condition of our national leaders in public office.

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